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Gas Hero gamification item NFTs, including BCV, Hero Capsule, Hero Portion, Gas, Cookie, Move Item, etc. Items are packed in several tiers of packs. 1/pack, 10/pack, 100/pack, 1000/pack, 10000/pack. Buy NFTs to your Gas Hero wallet address and unpack them in the game. All unpacked NFTs will be burned automatically and a relevant amount of assets will be deposited to your game account.
Gas Hero Badge migrated from STEPN
Gas Hero gamification Hero NFTs, including 48 codenames and 5 rarities. Buy NFTs to your Gas Hero wallet address and lock them to be used as combat units.
Gas Hero gamification genesis HERO NFTs. 2084 Genesis heroes in total, including 48 codenames and 5 rarities. Buy NFTs to your Gas Hero wallet address and lock them to be used as combat units. All Genesis heroes will not die and always be tradable.